Monday, December 22, 2014

I thought I saw the Grinch in this photo ...

I thought I saw the Grinch.
Look closely. Zoom in to the bottom of  the stairs.
There's a silhouette of the Grinch.
That's what I thought I saw.
But when I looked again...  it wasn't the Grinch but Santa!
There's even a an outline of a white Christmas Tree beside Santa. 
Santa knows how much I love Christmas trees.
This year, I have six trees in the living room
and another eight trees in the dining room,
that come in all shapes, colors, heights and sizes.

The Grinch couldn't stop Christmas. In the end,
his heart grew three sizes larger. It dawned upon him 
that Christmas is more that presents and feasting.
The reformed Grinch returns all the presents 
and was invited to the Who's feast where he
was given the honor of carving the Roast Beast.

I love taking photos.  In fact, the very first and best gift
that I got from Santa was a small camera.
( I truly believed in this jolly old fellow.
But my older cousins kept teasing me  that
Christmas morning, when I received a camera, 
two party dresses, fishnet stockings, a phonograph,
some silver dollars, and a big white bag or net, which 
Nanay said belonged to Santa.  Those nasty cousins
said Santa didn't come to bring gifts. They said 
it was Santa Nanay who gave those gifts!!!)
 I have lots of photo albums, about two camphor-chests-full.
There are even more pictures in  my blogs.
Plenty more stored in cd's, memory cards and usb's.
I've also made hard copies of these photos and blogs.

As I was reading "Tuesdays with Morrie" (for the 3rd time)
 this weekend in Fontana, I came across this quote.

".. I suppose tapes, like photographs and videos, 
are a desperate attempt to steal something
 from death's suitcase."

I have immortalized my life, my thoughts, feelings,
not just on paper, but in digital form shared with the 
world wide web.  Maybe someone, someday ...
will think fondly of me and better understand
who I am, what I have become and how
I have overcome and surpassed life's trials

May we all have a joy-filled Christmas this year
with family and friends.
I have yet to reach out to the lonesome,
the poor, the needy, the sick and the dying.
In the meantime, I shall pray for everyone's 
wishes to come true.

Hubby, Son and I wish you inner peace and happiness,
not just this Christmas season, but for the coming New Year.  
LOL.... lots of love, 
 betsisanders aka chicsanders

"Nothing stops Christmas, not even death."

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