Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Christmas Wreath

A wreath is made of an assortment of leaves, flowers,
twigs, berries or any material that can be used to make
a circle or a ring.  The wreath is usually placed on the 
front door or any other part of the house, sometimes even on windows.
It can be used in any season or occasion but  most often
during the Christmas season. The ring or the circle represents eternity,
where there is no beginning and no end, a never ending circle of life.

That's how we'd all want our lives to be, a never ending circle,
...  one that goes on forever.
But it does end... the life that we know here on earth.
We are promised heaven ... life after death.
A friend told me to keep the faith.
It's a bit hard to do when faced with the reality of death.

Another friend tells me to "feed only the white wolf".

I tell myself ....
Breathe in, breathe out.  Keep calm, Be quiet.
Keep busy.  Clean. Bake. Cook. Read, Write. Paint. Pray.
Watch all the Koreanovelas,  the TV series, and all the dvd's.
Watch concerts.  Eat out. Shop to death. Wrap gifts. Get out of town.
What else is left to do?

Nothing stops Christmas, not even death. (betsisanders 2014)

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