Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Gingerbread Men on my tree / Christmas 2014

I remember doing a countdown a few years back which
I started on the first day of December.  Somehow, I never 
finished the 24-day countdown. I thought of just doing
 a 12-day countdown, like the 12 days of Christmas,
usually done in the USofA by a popular talk show host.
But then again, I changed my mind and would do a 
9-day countdown and start it on the 16th.
But I can't help myself and decided to do my countdown
Gingerbread Men and other sweet treats hang on my tree.
Smaller Gingerbread men hang on my faux maple tree.
Let me share with you my thoughts ...
“Moving on is something that has a lot of interpretations or meanings. It doesn’t simply mean forgetting or erasing an unfortunate event, unfavorable situation or unpleasant people in one’s life. Moving on will never delete what happened in the past. What it means is one goes beyond, surpasses or rises above the disappointment, the sadness, the anger or the injustice.  Inner peace is when you do not allow unfortunate events, unfavorable situations and unpleasant people to control your emotions.” 
Nothing stops Christmas, not even death. 
(betsisanders 2014)

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