Sunday, April 13, 2014

Street Food in Seoul

Squid Strips ... this is our favorite.
We even brought home four packs of squid for the Hubby.
Sushi & Cup noodles
They sell this spicy dish everywhere.
Some sweet cake topped with egg, cheese and even flavored 
with orange or lemon. Freshly made, very soft and sweet.
This is ice cream placed inside those curly tubes /"cones".
Fritters of all kinds.
These were sold right outside our hotel, about five steps 
away from the door of the hotel.
Fresh strawberries
Strawberries dipped in chocolate. Loved these!
Huge Roasted Chestnuts.  They sold peeled chestnuts.
Sweet Potato Fries
I ate one piece and Son ate the rest.
Their barbecue.  Delicious too.
Delicious foot-long sausage barbecue.
Ice cream and Gyros
Cotton Candy. I was forbidden to eat this one!
Bigger snails
Small snails
Did not allow the son to eat the snails.
Maybe next time.
I don't know how they call these...  bugs or crickets.
Photo opportunity
Son was excited to taste these insects.
He almost finished the entire cup of bugs or
silk worm larvae called beondegi. 


  1. What really intrigues me is the curly cones ice cream. I keep running into it and would love to find out where i can get some.
    Thanks alot in advance.

  2. Found one on the streets of Meongdong. Go at night when all these street food vendors come out. Very few during the day. Thank you :)
